Pet Dental Care & Surgery in Richmond

Periodic dental exams and cleanings help maintain proper oral hygiene and prevent future problems. Research has proved that good dental health can help your pet live longer. We perform dental cleanings under general anesthesia, extractions if needed, and certain oral surgeries. Dental cleaning is done with an ultrasonic scaler to remove the plaque and the teeth are then polished. 

Today’s modern anesthetic monitors and new drugs have made anesthesia much safer than in the past. We do a thorough physical exam and pre-anesthetic blood testing on your pet before anesthesia to ensure they are healthy enough to undergo anesthesia.

We also adjust the amount and type of anesthetic used depending on the health of your pet. All our anesthesia patients receive IV fluids during their procedure, and if serious problems are detected, anesthesia will be postponed.  If you have any concerns regarding anesthesia, or if your pet has had problems in the past while under anesthesia, please inform us so we can discuss these issues with you. Please contact us and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible. For any critical pet needs, please call us after completing the form. (281) 207-9006